Every year I become a little more of a crotchety old lady that wants to turn the lights off and hide in bed watching the Real Housewives on Halloween. As long as I could steal some chocolate from a nearby trick-or-treater the day would be a success. However, I would still make an excuse to buy candy “just in case” someone came to our door. Last year this excuse was made around mid-September and I accidentally ate all the Reese’s before October 1st…
This year WE DID NOT BUY ANY CANDY. Yeah, you read that right. I’m not sure how this happened. It could be that I’ve been dreaming of Christmas even since our first snowfall, or maybe that I’m trying to eat fewer sweets (kidding), but I think the most likely reason was that I bought costumes for Jackson and Lauren over a month ago. And truly I will use any excuse to get my dogs into a new outfit.
So Happy Halloween from Eeyore and Tigger! Steal some candy from a nearby child for them.
Adorable. seriously. 🙂