Life lately has been cold and busy! We have had a couple of huge snow storms in the past couple of weeks, and one even resulted in a snow day. We’ve all been trying to stay warm, including Jackson, so he’s been rocking his hoodie on the colder nights.
As February comes to an end I am really looking forward to going home to California for a bit next month, and I have to admit I am already counting down the days until summer. I am just so excited for sunshine, free time, and some BEAUTIFUL weddings! In the mean time, however, I’ll do my best to enjoy sweet little Flagstaff Sundays. Much to Jackson’s displeasure that means mini photo shoots with him… but isn’t he just adorable? <3
Here are some photos I’ve snapped recently!
This is my cute little apartment complex!
Theres one little hair right between his eyes that REFUSES to go the correct direction. It drives me insane, but its also stinkin cute.
I’ve been working on growing and branding my business a lot lately. I changed my website and blog, redesigned my logo, created new business cards (which I am OBSESSED with) and have been accumulating little things to help represent this brand I want to create. I love where it is going so far.
Another thing I am currently working on is a Wedding Inspiration Styled Shoot. Most of what I am doing is a secret so shhhh! but I’ll tell you it is going to be absolutely beautiful!!! I am putting so many hours into this project and I just know it will be worth it in the end- I cannot wait to finally share the finished product! I am working with the lovely Andrea Dickherber of Sincerely, A. Photography who has also a wonderful personal blog that you all should read:)
Anyhow here are a few of my newest branding items:
I am slightly obsessed with Instagram. So much in fact that my phone is so full with pictures that I can’t update it… And I have an unnatural attachment to every picture I take so I refuse to delete them! Can I get an amen? My latest “instas” consist of my valentines day, a glorious snow day, and how I’ve been satisfying my sweet tooth lately. (P.s. next time you buy Girl Scouts cookies at the grocery store, buy a box for the girls working the booth too! They’re reaction will make your day and it gives me a chance to give them my “I know what its like” speech:) )
I hope all of your Sundays are as lovely and sweet as mine!
LOVE your new stamp and card! Very cool. Where did you end up getting them?
I purchased the cards from and the stamp from 🙂