Getting to know people can be scary, but I’m learning how to make it fun. The photography business seems to be all about networking. Every article and book I’ve read, or video and online chat I’ve listened too will push this one thousand times over.

I’m working on a project now where I am trying to meet 100 people in 100 days. And so far it has been hard. The most difficult barrier I’ve come up against is finding a balance between being outgoing enough to talk to complete strangers and still finding a way to be me. The authentic me, who has energy spurting out of me at 7am and can talk about her dog for an hour straight. But I am in love with the idea of truly putting myself out there. I am someone who thrives being vulnerable because it helps me to grow into the person I want to be. And I’m finally starting to believe in myself and what I can do.

Believe = Be love.